  • Dresden, Berlin
  • Germany
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Mind_the_gut's Friends

  • Miriam Welk
  • wilde pferde
  • Anna Asplind
  • Johannes Randolf
  • Maya Lipsker
  • Gerald Casel
  • Go Plastic
  • Arkadi Zaides
  • Dance Digital
  • David Brüll
  • Danza Málaga
  • anna achimowicz
  • Slawek Bendrat
  • Johanna Roggan

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mind_the_ gut artist collective
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About Me (human/individual)/interests, work..short bio/ THis is the most important. It is the only way to know that you are not a SPAMBOT!Be generous!
>>> for German please scroll down >>>

The artist collective MIND_THE_GUT was founded in 2010 by the artists Rebekka Esther Böhme and Johanna Roggan.
After collaboration with artists of different fields their motivation increasingly lies in interdisciplinary work and the desire for broad creative networking.
"The gut feeling, which comes < from the gut > and is rumbling inside of all of us, is to be found and expressed creatively."
The gaps between the words leave, besides their discipline of dance, room for collaborations of any kind and are supposed to be filled with knowledge and ideas. They are an invitation to artists of other genres for cooperative work.
MIND_THE_GUTs goal is to arrange performances und work with different artists and approaches, to establish communication between different forms of expression.
Venues are sought which allow them research, exchange of ideas and discussion, and which offer the opportunity of creating spaces of interaction.

Great importance lies thereby on the interplay between the cooperating artists, and the creation of new means of communication between different art genres and their representatives. This requires a devotion to new frames of mind and work, as well as courage for progressive ideas, and a daringness for going different ways in creating a performance culture.

>>>>>>>>>> > > > > >

Die beiden Künstlerinnen Rebekka Esther Böhme und Johanna Roggan gründeten 2010 das Künstlerkollektiv MIND_THE_GUT. Nach Kollaborationen mit Künstlern verschiedener Bereiche liegt ihr Interesse vermehrt im Bereich der interdisziplinären Arbeit und dem Wunsch nach breiter kreativer Vernetzung.
„Das Bauchgefühl, das was < from the gut > kommt und was in uns und anderen rumort und heraus will, gilt es zu benennen und kreativ umzusetzen.“
Die Lücken zwischen den Worten lassen neben ihrer Disziplin, dem Tanz, auch Platz für Kollaborationen aller Art und sollen mit Ideen und Wissen gefüllt werden. Sie sind eine Einladung an Künstler anderer Sparten zur gemeinsamen Arbeit.
Es werden Orte gesucht, die es ihnen erlauben zu forschen, sich auszutauschen, zu diskutieren und die Gelegenheit bieten Interaktionsräume zu schaffen.
Ziel ihrer Arbeit ist es Performances zu gestalten und mit den unterschiedlichsten Künstlern und Herangehensweisen zu arbeiten, eben eine Kommunikation zwischen diversen Ausdrucksformen zu etablieren. Die Wechselwirkung zwischen den Interaktionspartnern und neuen performativen Kommunikationsmodellen der verschiedensten künstlerischen Bereiche und den darin Agierenden zu schaffen, ist ihnen dabei von großer Bedeutung.
Dies erfordert ein sich Hingeben in neue Denk- und Arbeitsstrukturen als auch Mut zu progressiven Ideen und ein gewisses Wagnis andere Wege der Hervorbringung einer Performance-Kultur zu gehen.
Personal/professional Website:
Occupation ( maximum of three):
Movement artist(dancer/interdisciplinary performer), Interactive space designer (video and sound installations/ performances and networked spaces), Video and film (screen-dance)
English is the main language of this site, but let us know which language you would use in this network besides English:

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Mind_the_gut's Blog

CROWD FUNDING - a try out lV

Posted on January 8, 2011 at 7:17am 0 Comments

It took me a while to write another blog on that - well - Christmas break and all that jingle....


After some days of prooving our votings - the FIDOR bank came to the conclusion, that we do not hat enough valid votings. Main reason: we had too many from abroad. Well - we did know that. But also thought it would tell, that crowd funding shoulden't have any boarder. Another argument came on the collaborators of the FIDOR bank startnext.de. Fidor decided we don't have enough…


CROWD FUNDING - a try out lll

Posted on December 14, 2010 at 7:32pm 0 Comments

Tomorrow is now the last day of the competition at the Fidor bank (https://banking.fidor.de/wersollsbekommen) and we're quite excited about it!

We're still in the first row, but you never know about the jokers other players might have and, lets be real - it is a game. So I see my self and all the people involved sitting in front of their computer, checking the website of Fidor every minute...

The last days…


CROWD FUNDING - a try out ll

Posted on December 12, 2010 at 5:30pm 0 Comments

After some days of having the competition online, beeing the first in the row and having left just 3 days to vote for us - the website has an error. WOHOO. That keeps the suspense quite high...

We hope this is gone by tomorrow and some followers will vote in the last minutes in order to help us being the one getting the support by the Fidor bank.

Nothing more to tell by now - you can become a fan on facebook if you wish…


CROWD FUNDING - a try out

Posted on December 10, 2010 at 7:19pm 4 Comments

So we are invited to show our dance production ROHRPOST (tube mail) at the TANZWOCHE DRESDEN (dance week Dresden) in April 2011. The piece is yet to be produced - but where does the budget comes from? We started a crowd funding deal last week. I'm gonna right about it, keep you updated.

If you wanna support us as well - below you'll find the instructions for the Fidor competition.

With great help from Thomas Dumke (TMA) and some more people, we gonna try out…


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Humans exploring collaboration, coops, hybrid art, dance, embodiment, cognition, tech-science, networks, post-humanism and culture.



This is a social networking website connecting people concerned about innovation and experimentation on art, dance, embodiment, cognition, science, networks, post-humanism, media and the unstable landscape of contemporary culture and life.

We are in a transitional phase and refocusing the network with a broader interdisciplinary framework. It will reflect a contemporary  community interacting and embedded  unstablelandscape.

This network is maintained and administrated by Marlon Barrios Solano as an independent art/curatorial/social innovation project.

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