Hello Dance-techers!
this is Marlon, the network producer.
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News about dance-tech.net:
Golden Nica 2009 Nomination on Digital Communities for dance-tech.net:
In the beginning of March, I received an email from the
Digital Communities Committee for the Ars Electronica's Golden Nica... letting me know that our community was nominated for the award. This is so exiting and important! Just the fact that we were nominated is an important indicator of the relevance of our know how and that we are doing a good job in sharing knowledge and innovation. I believe that we have a lot of possibilities of winning. Keep rockin'!
Using the network for teaching:
More a more teachers and instructors are using the network for teaching in their courses, either using the videos to illustrate concepts or surveying the field. Some of them are formally creating groups for their classes or study groups. Thank you to initiators Rachel Boggia (Wesleyan University), Ellen Bromberg (University of Utah) and Grisha Coleman (Arts, Media and Engineering for Arizona State University).
Share with us if you are using the network for teaching or educational projects...also how are you collaborating creating new methods or strategies in its use? what are your student responses?
Research on Networking Dance Cultures:
I am writing this from Dresden. I just started a three months research trip exploring the possibilities of our network to augment the potential for translocal knowledge exchange and study the complexities of open platforms of information sharing across boundaries of countries, cultures, disciplines, technologies and bodies.
I will be in Dresden for 10 days sharing with the
Forsythe Company while they are in residency performing (I will interview Bill Forsythe and some of his powerhouse creative team). I will also be preparing for a think tank on the future of performance and new media that will take place in Prague during
Enter4, an exciting Conference on Art, Science and Technology.
Amsterdan, Beirut, Tunisia, Lausanne , Geneva, Annecy and Madrid are in the roadmap.I will be writing and video blogging intensively and let me know if you are around any of this places:We might meet up!
This research adventure is made possible in part with the support of Geneva Based
Gilles Jobin Company and the
Trans Media Akademie Hellerau, Dresden. Their support is helping us to realize this vision of an open forum for free exchange of knowledge for our community. Thank you again!
Special thanks to the directors of
Dance New Amsterdam, where I work in NYC as a social networking specialist, for creating a sabbatical format that is allowing me to work remotely and to integrate this research on future innovative educational and audience development programs.
Movement Research Festival prepares for a Global Distributed performance in Dance-techTV network:
Dance-techTV is co-producing with the Movement Research Spring festival 2009
As the World Turns: a distributed collaborative performance experiment. The performance will be broadcasted using Movement ResearchTV, a new channel created by the new dance-techTV collaborative broadcasting platform.
From the Festival Program: "Launching from the Beirut International Platform of Dance/BIPOD, and traveling around the world, this experiment in distributed performance will be a global game of telephone as each city’s choreographer adds to the dance conversation."
As The World Turns culminates in NYC where the public can participate
Participating cities include: Brazil, England,France, Lebanon, Sweden, and the US.
dance-techTV collaborative broadcasting
Would you like to produce your own internet HD video channel for your company, art venue, festival, school or creative experiments in any language and from anywhere in the world!? Would you like to enjoy the benefits of broadcasting for an engaged and innovative community? would you like to be an initiator in this project? Ideas? Questions?
Email me at marlon@dance-tech.net and put "my dance-techTV channel" in the subject of the email.
I will email you the details.
This project is made possible with a spacial partnership with
and don't forget to:
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