All Videos Tagged oil (dance-tech) - dance-tech2024-12-04T09:12:27Z Oil,2013-11-20:1462368:Video:2054482013-11-20T13:13:27.655Zr0.
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<img alt="Thumbnail" height="134" src="" width="240"></img><br />
</a> <br></br>The last work research made by Roberta Orlando is based on damages caused by the oil pollution which continue to appear all over the world. A high source for economic and political interest that always gets into our life, with serious environmental and natural consequences. More than ever this issue relapses on the populations, increasing the risks of death. All of this don't only concerns with…
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<img src="" width="240" height="134" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />The last work research made by Roberta Orlando is based on damages caused by the oil pollution which continue to appear all over the world. A high source for economic and political interest that always gets into our life, with serious environmental and natural consequences. More than ever this issue relapses on the populations, increasing the risks of death. All of this don't only concerns with highly stricken areas in Nigeria, but just thinking about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010 or the last fracking's technics which raise not a few matters in many states of the world.<br />
Further the world major oil industries are between the basic sponsors of well known art companies and museums, engendering the culture's interest that ask why art has to support this damage.<br />
What's the union between art and oil?<br />
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La ricerca svolta dal recente lavoro di Roberta Orlando, è basata sui danni che continuano a verificarsi in tutto il mondo per l'inquinamento causato dal petrolio. Quest'ultimo, fonte di alto interesse economico e politico, è entrato sempre di più nel nostro ciclo vitale, con gravi conseguenze ambientali e naturali. Di seguito, tale problematica ricade sempre di più sulle popolazioni, aumentando i rischi di mortalità. Tutto questo non riguarda soltanto le zone fortemente colpite in Nigeria, ma basti pensare al disastro ambientale nel Golfo del Messico nel 2010 o alle recenti tecniche di fracking che accendono non poche questioni in molti stati del mondo. Inoltre, le maggiori industrie petrolifere mondiali si trovano tra i principali sponsor di noti enti artistici e musei, suscitando l'interesse della cultura che si domanda perché l'arte debba sostenere questa distruzione.<br />
Quale può essere l'unione tra arte e petrolio?