The 11th Consciousness Reframed International Research Conference, November 4 – 6, 2010, Trondheim.
3 days – 20 nations – 65 speakers!
On behalf of TEKS and The Planetary Collegium:
In cooperation with the Planetary Collegium, at the University of Plymouth, England, TEKS – Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre, is hosting the 11th Consciousness Reframed International Research Conference, with the title of ‘MAKING REALITY REALLY REAL‘.
The Consciousness Reframed conference series was founded by Roy Ascott at the University of Wales in 1997. Consciousness Reframed is a
forum for trans-disciplinary inquiry into art, science, technology,
design and consciousness, drawing upon the expertise and insights of
artists, designers, architects, performers, musicians, writers,
scientists, and scholars, usually from at least 20 countries.
From November 4 – 6, 2010, the conference is being held in Trondheim, Norway, in conjunction with the new biennial for arts and
technology ‘Meta.Morf 2010 – New.Brave.World!‘
Making Reality Really Real
"The status of our reality is uncertain. The solid objective world of our everyday experience is a representation of an oscillating immateriality that we recognise, at another level of resolution, as constituting quantum phenomena. It’s not that matter doesn’t matter anymore, so much perhaps as the idea that matter isn’t matter anymore. Can we not reasonably ask whether there is a reality beyond what quantum mechanics describes, even closer to the really real? If our material, everyday world depends on our consciousness, what existed in the world before human consciousness had evolved, and how will the world look if our consciousness evolves still further? For many who live largely online, cyberspace accommodates a vivid and consequential normality that renders the material world less relevant to their lives. Until recently, we adapted our sensibilities to fit into separate boxes, variously identified as real, virtual, spiritual, and so on, which we saw as being served by separate ontologies. That separation has now merged into a flowing continuity, in which telecommunications, computing, nano technology, bioengineering and pharmacology play significant roles. The binary opposition between real and virtual realities no longer holds, and the Western conception of the individual human brain creating its own isolated mind may be giving way to the recognition of a connected intelligence seeking fuller access to a primordial field of universal consciousness. What might be the role of the artist in all of this? Can a trans-disciplinary art practice contribute to strategies for making the real really real?"
These issues form the background to a conference of artists, scholars, scientists, and engineers that will constitute the 11th Annual International Research Conference, "Consciousness Reframed: art and consciousness in the post-biological era", convened by Espen Gangvik of the Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre, and co-directed by Roy Ascott, president of the Planetary Collegium. Previously the conference has taken place in Australia, Austria, China, Germany, and the United Kingdom.
The Consciousness Reframed conference is being held in Trondheim, Norway, in conjunction with the new biennial for arts and technology ‘Meta.Morf 2010 – New.Brave.World!‘
Thursday Nov. 4
- 0900-0915 Gangvik: Welcome/Logistics | Ascott: Context/Theme
- 0945-1015 Oliveira: On the Blue of the Sea: Real Virtualities & Virtual Realities
- 1030-1100 Geraldo: Cyberflaneur: Between the Virtual and the Real Worlds
- 1115-1145 Balkan: A Cosmological OS - The World Beyond Time
- 1200-1230 Ayiter (Guest Speaker): Constructing Transformations: Creative Learning in a Metaverse
- 1245-1315 Meinhardt: Digital Natives - Is there an Internet-generation?
- 1400-1445 Bischof: Keynote
- 1500-1530 Lubjec: Rethinking the Reality Source Code
- 1545-1615 Kazemzade: Visibly Invisible: Spukhafte Fernwirkung, Mechano-Moist
- 1630-1700 Westermann: Towards a Poly-Valued Logic of Another Real Dream
- 1715-1745 Ascott: Accelerated Alchemy
- 0930-1000 Jung A Huh: Real Buddha vs Virtual Buddha
- 1005-1035 Zamanzadeh: Presence of Reality and the Eternal in Iranian Manuscript
- 1050-1120 Nelson: Toward a Cybernetic Ontology of Thingyness
- 1135-1205 Karoussos: St. Anna's Boolean Garden
- 1220-1250 Babasikas: On Ghost Images
- 1520-1550 Yuan Juliette: Mixed Reality and Online Life in China
- 1605-1635 Beloff: Wearable Worlds; Reality in a Pocket
- 1650-1720 Aldouby: Virtual Reality Turns Biological: Cronenberg's eXistenZ
- 1735-1805 Ribeiro: Spaceless Spaces: from Impression to Imagination
- 1830-1915 Gimzewski: Keynote: Interfacial Intelligence
Friday Nov. 5
- 0900-0930 Cetkovic: Use of Technology to Create a View
- 0945-1015 Ikegami/Ruggero: Social and Political Activism in Second Life
- 1030-1100 Capucci: The Sensible Reality Between Obviousness and Uncertainty
- 1115-1145 Rennie: Real-eye-ising the Miniature
- 1200-1230 Jahrmann (Guest Speaker): Chindogus as Erotic Toys: Pleasure, Play, and Consciousness Beyond Materialism
- 1400-1445 Luna: Keynote
- 1500-1530 Artifist: Neurospace Consciousness
- 1545-1615 Fragoso: Art, Technology and Native Traditional Cultures
- 1630-1700 Simeone: Crossing the Boundaries of Sacred Worlds
- 1715-1745 Slattery (Guest Speaker): Ecstatic Significations: Psychedelics, Language, and Realities
- 0920-0950 Payne: The Invocation of our Polyrhytmic Reality
- 1005-1035 Grant: Noise: Networks, Sensation, Experience
- 1050-1120 Girão: Intregative Art - The Wonders of Bioelectromagnetic Modulation
- 1135-1205 Tresilian: Making Reality More Real; The Human Starling
- 1220-1250 Phillips: Really? The Incomprehensible Truth
- 1520-1550 Andrasiunas: Formalisation of Language and Artistic Code
- 1605-1635 Gabriel: Mobile Tagging as Tool for Mixed Realities
- 1650-1720 Nardelli: A Software Based Installation to Assist Self-Reflection
- 1735-1805 Andreea: Agenda for an Innovative Assessment Technique
- 1830-1915 Vesna: Keynote
- 0910-0940 Albuquerque: Art as Knowledge: Internet Art
- 0955-1025 Fielder/Kessler: The Text That Reads Wolf
- 1040-1110 Gwilt: Compumorphic Art - The Computer as Muse
- 1125-1155 Plank: The Cognitive User of Architecture
- 1210-1240 Fu/Sim: Viewership of Online Peer-Shared Content
Saturday Nov. 6
- 0900-0945 Malina: Keynote
- 1000-1030 Earhar: The Cloudy Self and the Evolution of Consciousness
- 1045-1115 Aguilera: An Evolving Thought
- 1130-1200 Cox: Over-identifying with Really Existing Social Media
- 1215-1245 Lancaster: The Real Dirt on Soil and Location
- 1400-1445 Nakatsu: Keynote
- 1500-1530 Anker: On Light - and the Flux of Informative Events in Nature and Technologies
- 1545-1615 Harrison: Real-ising the Virtual
- 1630-1700 Suvajdzic: Cultural Roles and Identity - An Interactive Upgrade
- 1715-1745 Sermon: Liberate your Avatar: The Revolution will be Social
- 1005-1035 Jacques: Can You Catch My Drift? The Potential of Information in Developing Consciousness
- 1050-1120 Sebring: Picture Pathways as Threads through the Levels of Reality
- 1135-1205 LaRocca: Mnemonic Narratives: The Miniature
- 1220-1250 Anders (Guest Speaker): Transcribing the Impossible
- 1520-1550 Kanary: Hallucinations, an Existential Crisis?
- 1605-1635 Ryu: Ritual Objects: Parting on Z
- 1650-1720 Schleiner: divination 2.0
- 1735-1805 Heinrich: Constructing Realities Through Times
- 1815-1900 Gangvik/Ascott: Closing Session
Conference Participants:
- NOK 1600/ Euro 200,-
Students and Forum Nidrosiae members*:
- Option 1)
NOK 400/ Euro 50,- includes all registration entitlements (see below)
- Option 2)
NOK 10 / Euro 1,- donation: FREE conference pass! (NB! NO freebies, NO seating prioritization!)
Conference Participants:
- NOK 640/ Euro 80,-
Students and Forum Nidrosiae members*:
- NOK 180/ Euro 22,- :
All full-paying delegates are entitled to:
- Admission to all Public Lectures and Panels
- Conference kit including all publications, information on the conference
- Refreshments during the conference
* Student ID or Nidrosiae membership card required for registration
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