Here’s what we’ll do:

1. Share creative and critical perspectives. Top choreographers, improvisors, theorists, and pedagogues from the festivals  will upload videos of their process, engage in interviews, and participate in google+ hangouts with other artists and members of the Meta-academy community (the first 5 to join the hangout).

2. Move together online.  Join a google+ hangout and experiment with dance professionals as they try translating their creative practices to the online space.  

3. Create internet-specific work.  You’ll be instructed on using some of the best online creative tools to create your own internet-based videos, word clouds, mashups, and more.

4. Join a global community of dancers.  When you’re making, talking and learning together, chances are you’ll make friends.


Here’s how you join.

Create a user profile on www.dance-tech.net and join the meta-academy group

You’ll get an email with further instructions on how to join our google+ circle so that you can participate in hangouts.

Here is what you will need for this lab.

  • Tools:

    • A computer with reliable internet access (the faster the better)

    • A web-cam

    • Headphones

    • A way of making images and videos and getting them onto the computer, like a smartphone or digital camera

    • Computer speakers so that you can listen to and perform the directions in Nancy Stark Smith’s “embodiment investigations” without wearing headphones.

    • a notebook or tablet app where you can draw and save images and share them digitally

  • Physical spaces: Some of the class activities will require a place where you can be in relative quiet, have an internet connection, and feel comfortable experimenting physically.   For example in some of the embodiment investigations, you will need to be able to lie down on the floor, as well as move around a little.  

  • Accounts: Please make sure that you have accounts set up for all of the major platforms we are using.  All are free.  Please read the privacy policies.

    • dance-tech.net (join the meta-academy@bates 2013 group)

    • Google+  (“upgrading” your gmail account to google+ will do the trick)

    • Youtube (you will get this automatically when you get a google+ account)

    • Instagram

    • Twitter

  • Time: 4-6 hours per week

  • Creativity: All activities are suggestions. The activities and resources with marked CORE are the ones we really want you to try.  However, you should feel free to modify all activities to suit your interests.  Remember, you are a Lab participant and a collaborator!

  • Critical mind and expertise.  Share your thoughts and knowledge freely.



A  reminder that everything you produce for this lab is, by default, creative commons licensed.  Here is a description of that licence: Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.  You can post different licenses for your work if you prefer.  Just make a note in the comments when you post.


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