CORE: Google Hangout with Corine Jola, William Seeley, and Nancy Stark Smith TUESDAY JULY 23 at 2pm EST (capture)

Google hangout one

Tuesday July 23 ,  we met in a google + hangout and this is the archived archived capture youtube channel "Meta-academy lab" and on Y


William Seeley and Corinne Jola had 15 minutes to present their research in relation to this interview with Nancy Stark Smith, then Nancy Stark Smith  responded for a few minutes.

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Selections from the chat during the broadcast:

colleen do you have a comment that you want me to speak?

colleen bartley
yes she never shares this work the way she did with you.
its co-created

Carolina Natal
can I see after the video? Because the video doesn't work, I don't know why...

marlon barrios solano
yes, you will have

colleen bartley
the experience of the underscore is an embodied research
not a concept

Carolina Natal
ok, So I'll do! Thanks

colleen bartley
and its an emergent practice

Carolina Natal
and sorry

i will bring that up colleen

colleen bartley
i have more thoughts but waiting for the right moment in the conversation,

feel free to make a list

colleen bartley
just came from dance/somatics conference and work with evolutional biology and experintial anatomy
3:03 PM

colleen bartley
the underscore emerged from ongoing research, not a concept whereas scientific research start with a question/inquiry that is not embodied... do you think?
3:05 PM

Sue Lauther
In the video she talks about how CI despite it's "wildness" is safe. Maybe a relationship to the avoidance that William talks about.

colleen bartley
Kellie is asking How do you approach re-igniting/inviting curiosity when teaching contact improvisation to dancers who are very advanced in the form?

great thank you Kellie
3:07 PM

colleen bartley
Irene says: For me this getting down and falling is very much about connecting to the earth element, something that i find very beneficial to me, (I) someone who often lives 'in her head', and sometimes forgets to feel her body, to feel her core.....

Sara Coffin
YES! CI or the underscore specifically is an emergent research with no distinguishable end. Depending on the practitioners lens it can be many beginning and endings (a million tiny experiments) or always ongoing.

colleen bartley
yes but its based on movement principles- its an experiential practice about awareness and perception and meanign making etcetc
and its in relationshipp
with others and with forces of nature
and its a lso about deep listening

3:15 PM
Sara Coffin
yes- relationship is the primary driver. As a teacher of CI in the college system, trying to drive the students to attuning to relationships (large and small) forming and disforming is the biggest challenge. Versus the predicting the moves that Nancy mentioned. To let go of predicting & remain being
or present
what about his comments about ARTIST and the creative process... how similar is this to how a scientists works?
thanks- got the question. good one!
colleen bartley
QUESTION FROM vannia Talking about mirror neurons... can the neurological calibration happen when two people are connected online?
Katerina Elraheb
well, I don't have deep knowledge on Underscore, but I have to say I was fascinated to see all those "concepts" and "symbols", a kind of vocabulary but at the same time a mean of communication very different from a symbolic, or a technical language
It would be worth trying to arrive all together in certain way. I am not sure where we will arrive and in way she means. But for sure we get somewhere.
Päivi Vettenranta
It would be worth trying to arrive all together in certain way. I am not sure where we will arrive and in way she means. But for sure we get somewhere.
colleen bartley
what she said is really important bc she is talking about MOVEMENT vocabulary not language
spoken languagage
TRAINING PEOPLE- interesting choise of words

Rachel Boggia
last call for a questions
3:27 PM

Sandra Mathern
Can Nancy respond to the notion put out by bill that art is about communicating or expressing?

colleen bartley
it seems like his question is based on watching CI not practicing CI

Rachel Boggia
i will ask
3:29 PM

Sue Lauther
Someday I'd love to know if "the scientific methods" recognize purely somatic experiences, and if so, how they deal with it. I know it's late for questions at this point....

colleen bartley
it increases the choices.
3:32 PM

Päivi Vettenranta
Sue: What do you mean with purely somatic experiences? The question is also in my interests.
Katerina Elraheb
I agree, experience is no language or a conceptual process, but do you have the feeling that sometimes new "concepts" or "codes" can emerge from this embodied practice and experimentation? isn't this what lead to the Underscore? again apologies if my question is very naive
colleen bartley
yes katerina tha is the point of an emerging practice
colleen bartley
it gives them permission....
yes we did this at roehampton last year
they came in and felt part of it
3:38 PM

colleen bartley
people respond to CI and theunderscore bc they see the potential of what the body can do adn they see embodied intelligence
3:39 PM

Sue Lauther
How can somatic experiences be measured? Are they important to a scientist or just too "out there?" The "body/mind" to me is such rich data, but I don't know how my inner state can be described accurately enough for a scientific inquiry that is traditional....

colleen bartley
in scientific research they are supposed to be CLINICIAL and not use empathy but we are human beings and can not really shut that off. with the underscore research wer are using those capacities as a bodymind
would love to see academics (philosophers and neuroscientists) experiencing body work...somatic work...will we get a chance for that?
Natalie Heller
would love to see academics (philosophers and neuroscientists) experiencing body work...somatic work...will we get a chance for that?

Thank you so much for this. Unfortunately, I was not present for the live chat, but I really appreciate its availability here and everyone who helped make this happen! Much gratitude to the facilitators and the speakers!

Love the espace we are creating on internet with Nancy's ideas and all of yours !!!

Thank you for your appreciation! That why we have the gatherings captured! We will have WP Seeley during meta-academy-at Bates in this forum if  you have  have any question or reactions!

Please watch and post your comments!


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