Meta academy Embodied Activity #3 “Simultaneous Duet Mini Extended Underscore”

This week we will meet online with a partner to do what Nancy Stark Smith is calling a “Simultaneous Duet Mini Extended Underscore.” You will meet with in a google+ hangout on air (rather than just a hangout) with a fellow improvisor to do a very shortened version of the Underscore, guided by Nancy’s voice. We ask that you record the session (hangouts on air automatically get recorded onto your youtube channel when you hit the “broadcast” button).

As a harvest, we ask that each partner edit a one minute remix of the video  of your experience using youtube video editor.  Please post your videos in this discussion.

You can use the video below or the mp3 as your voice guidance.  We hope you will not spend too much time watching the video as you improvise, but it's just so great that we couldn't resist posting it.

  1. Schedule a hangout with a fellow lab member. (Please Complete by Wednesday August 7)

    1. schedule a second hangout with your partner or find a new partner by filling out this doodle scheduler and finding someone else who shares your availability.  The Improvisation activity is 30 minutes long, so we suggest scheduling an hour to comfortably get everything set up.
    2. Note that there are dates available from Thursday, August 8-Wednesday August 14.f you don’t see all the dates, expand the schedule by clicking on the table in the area that appears as an ‘accordion’ fold, as indicated below:
  1. Once the Doodle scheduler starts being filled out by everyone, you’ll be able to see who has time to meet at the same time you do. (See example below).

  2. Once you mark your time availabilities, go back and check the link (  ) later to see who shares the same time availabilities.

2. Contact (Please complete by Friday August 10 at the latest)

  1. Once you see someone that shares the same time availabilities, contact them via by entering their name in the Search box in the upper right corner. Once you find them in the Search results, click on the profile link, then click on the Send a Message link underneath their profile picture. Propose to meet up via Google Hangout at the date/time during which you’re both available.

  2. NOTE: In your communications, decide who will initiate the hangout

3. Hangout on air (Please complete by Monday August 12.)

  1. Log into and find the people with which you want to have a hangout through thier gmail address.

  2. Click on the youtube link at the top of the page and follow the instructions to make sure that your youtube channel is activated.

  3. The initiator of the hangout should to his or her Google+ Page.  On the left side of the page click the “dashboard” then pull down to “Hangouts on Air”

    1. On the top right of the Hangouts on Air page, click the blue button to “start a hangout on air”

    2. Name your hangout (THIS IS IMPORTANT--IT WILL BE THE TITLE OF YOUR YOUTUBE VIDEO) and invite your partner

  1. The non initiator partner should wait on their google+ page to receive an invitation in the upper right corner of the page and click “accept”

  2. When both people join, the initiator should try playing the instructions from the MP3 or youtube link of Nancy’s instructions to make sure both people can hear it.

    1. Note that there's a speaker rotation feature, in which whomever is talking gets featured in the main window. This makes conversations easier, as the speaker becomes more visible/apparent.

    2. play around with the interface a little to make sure you understand how to see and hear your partner.  

    3. Test how loud the volume can be without creating feedback. The “non-initiator” can mute their mic on the google hangout interface if the feedback is too strong.

  3. When you are ready to begin, come back to your computers and prepare to begin.

    1. The initiator of the hangout should be sure it hit the “broadcast” button at the top center of the hangout page.   This is how you will record your improvisation.

    2. Note that the video of your broadcast will stream on the initiators youtube channel during the broadcast.  Your Hangout On Air will be recorded as a public video and will be available on the youtube page  of the initiator of the hangout you have ended the broadcast. You can make it more private once the hangout is over.

  4. Play the mp3 or youtube video and respond to the instructions that Nancy gives.  

    1. Please be sure to share your Harvest with each other during the broadcast.

    2. When you are finished, the initiator should be sure to hit “end broadcast” and share the url of the video with his or her partner. The URL is listed at the top of the chat page

  1. Initiator: Go to your youtube chanel.  Your video will take a few minutes to process before showing up on your youtube channel.

    1. Once it shows up, click on the video and hit the “edit” button, which looks like a little pencil right under your video.

    2. In your youtube video manager, you can leave your video public, or make it  unlisted.  Don’t make it private. For technical instructions, see

  1. In advanced settings, change license and rights ownership to “Creative Commons-Attribution” This will allow your partner to remix the video.

4. Edit and post your Harvest remix video. (Please complete by Wednesday August 14)Please create a one minute video that captures something about your experience of doing the “simultaneous duet mini extended underscore”.  It could be a clip of your harvest, a bunch of short glimpses of the improvisation, videos of other things you thought about, or whatever you like.

  1. As long as you’ve set the licence and rights ownership to Creative Commons, you can both edit the video in the  youtube video editor

    1. Here are technical instructions

    2. You can explore annotations as well

  2. Another great tool for online  editing is in popcorn web maker thick video editing site.  This tool is different from the youtube editor because it is

    1. Here are technical  instructions for using Popcorn webmaker

  3. Embed video on this discussion forum.  Here are instructions for getting the “embed” code so that we can see your video right in the forum.

On the video page, click on share>embed to get the “embed code”  and select the  video size  of 480X360

Questions or support:

Views: 886

Replies to This Discussion

Wow! FAntastic you two!  Really did a duet....


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